The Shadow Queen by Anne O'Brien

by - 10:25 AM

Anne O’ Brien brings us another captivating story of seduction, scandal, and the most heartbreaking tale of a woman who dared to go against convention and instead, followed her heart. The Shadow Queen was so vivid in its detail that I found myself completely immersed in the story. Time ticked on and yet I didn’t notice as each turn of the page brought more drama, more heartache, and a desperate hope that this protagonist, this brave and courageous young woman, would find happiness.
The Shadow Queen is told in the first person, from Joan’s perspective. Joan struggles with who she was, and it was a joy to watch her mature. Her relationship with Ned was portrayed as the pinnacle moment of her life, not just because Ned was who he was, but because this was a real grown-up relationship for her. It came with problems, but they loved each other. Joan sometimes came across as incredibly self-serving, but she blossomed as a character when she married Ned. I have to say I was deeply moved by the portrayal of Edward, ‘Ned,’ The Black Prince of Wales. He was so real in the telling that despite knowing beforehand how his life was to be cut cruelly short, this story, the way O’Brien portrayed him, made me wish for an alternative ending. I didn’t want him to die. The Shadow Queen is not just a great work of literature; it is more than that, it shows the courage that these remarkable women had. We have all heard about how brave these noblemen were, but the stories of their wives are even more interesting. They all lost so many loved ones in a time where plague and war were rampant. How terrible it must have been for these women who waited patiently at home, hoping never to hear that their husband had died in battle. Such thoughts bring tears to my eyes even now. Life was precarious; there was simply no time for wasted moments. Joan’s story certainly deserves to be told. The Shadow Queen has left a lasting impression on me.

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