April Book Wrap Up

by - 7:17 AM


The Centurion's Wife Janette Oke (***)

An exceptional story covering the events right after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The authors really give you a feal for how life might have been back then.

Lord of Scoundrels Loretta Chase (*****)

The story, the characters, and Loretta's writing style combine to make one hell of a fun book.

The Lantern Deborah Lawrenson (***)

The prose and atmosphere were lovely. I hope Ms. Lawrenson finds a stronger set of characters and a stronger plot for her next novel.

The Life She Was Given Ellen Marie Wiseman (***)

The plot line was interesting and, at times, horrifying. The author gives beautiful descriptions of sights and sounds and provided reasonably good character development.

The Buried Giant Kazuo Ishiguro (****)

If you wish to read an intelligent, convoluted, deeply meaningful tale, which explores the themes of memory, deception, loneliness, love, and loss, you will enjoy this book.

Shadow of Night Deborah Harkness (****)

I loved this book. I can't wait for the third and final installment. It is such a beautiful story and I can't wait to see how it ends.

The Wedding Date Jasmine Guillory (**)

The story was cute but predictable. After the first couple of chapters the book was the same thing over over again.

Spartacus: The Gladiator Ben Kane (****)

This is a story for readers, like me, who are fascinated with the time of ancient Rome. The characters are believable, and the story spares no graphic detail.

The Last Hellion Loretta Chase (****)

Liked it because the heroine has a strong character, and is intelligent, independent, and successful. I liked Vere a bit less. Vain and not too smart. Although the story drags in parts it still is a nice Regency romance, worth reading.

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