Lamentation by C.J. Sansom

by - 3:43 PM

“This, I thought, was how the real power-play went: conversations in corners and gardens, nods, shrugs, inclinations of the head. But nothing in writing.”

Another fantastic Shardlake novel that skillfully blends historical facts with a complex yet compelling plot and storyline. This book is one of C.J. Sansom's best works and brilliantly sets up the next story for the post-Henry VIII era. As always, I appreciate the author's detailed descriptions of the fashion and attitudes of the time, as well as the vivid depiction of life in the medieval period - you can practically smell the streets after heavy rain with Mr. Sansom's descriptions! I also enjoy the human aspects of Master Shardlake's life during these times - it shows that human sensibilities existed even then, despite the harsh and politically charged conditions of the time.

The plot of this book is quite typical of the series, although its development is a bit slow and more complex, with many characters involved in various twists and scenarios. It can be hard to keep track of things as the story evolves and crime-solving options expand. However, Master Shardlake does a great job of handling plausible scenarios and keeping readers informed of his clear thinking. The ending is excellent and not entirely predictable, as it keeps you wondering and guessing right up to the end.

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