When He Was Wicked by Julia Quinn

by - 11:36 AM

“In every life there is a turning point. A moment so tremendous, so sharp and clear that one feels as if one's been hit in the chest, all the breath knocked out, and one knows, absolutely knows without the merest hint of a shadow of a doubt that one's life will never be the same.”

After the untimely death of her husband John, Francesca Bridgerton Stirling is left mourning not only his loss but the miscarriage of their child. She leans on his cousin Michael, who inherits his earldom, but also unknown to Francesca has loved her since he first met her at his cousin’s engagement party. Michael who is having difficulties sorting out his new role because of the death of his beloved cousin and sharing the burden of his affection for Francesca escapes from London and heads to India for four years. Once he returns, he finds that time hasn’t dulled the pain of losing John or his feelings for Francesca. The two of them then sort out their feelings and the new dynamic their relationship takes on while also grieving the loss of their shared best friend.
Michael and Francesca are well-developed and complex characters. Michael’s frustration with his forbidden, unrequited love is palpable. It’s clear he doesn’t know how to deal with his feelings for Francesca and expects to feel this way forever. Michael is a flawed character, which is probably why I liked him so much; his imperfections made him seem even more real. He doesn’t always do the right thing. He falls in love and lusts after his cousin’s wife. When Francesca needs him most, he flees the continent. Then he resorts to seducing her, to bind her to him. Francesca is incredibly competent, yet she’s incapable of realizing this amazing love within her grasp. I related to Francesca and Michael, even though their story takes place in a completely foreign era and setting. The complexities in their relationship are rendered convincing and left me yearning for a love like theirs. Ms. Quinn imbued these two with such emotional depth, their characters seemed to jump right off the pages.
This book is my new favorite in the Bridgerton series! It was full of humor, angst, longing, and emotion.

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