Book Wrap Up October

by - 8:01 AM


Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge (✫✫✫)

This book had excellent prose and was set up pretty well, there’s nothing particularly wrong with it, it’s just that the blend of things that forced this universe was so strange that I couldn’t get into it and like it as much as I wanted to. The author tried to blend Ancient Greece with magic and 17th century Europe, almost; it just wasn’t to my tastes because I found it so odd.

Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor (✫✫✫✫)

This book had it all–beautiful writing, wonderful storytelling, developed characters, action, and romance, and it far surpassed my expectations. I loved the way the first book ended. 

A Famine of Horses by P.F. Chisholm (✫✫✫✫)

I greatly enjoyed this novel. I thought the author did an excellent job of giving the reader a feel for what life in those days may have felt like. This was the first book by P.F. Chisholm that I have read, and it will not be very long before I read the second book in the Sir Robert Carey Mystery series. If you enjoy historical novels, I recommend you try this one.

Burning Embers by Hannah Fielding (✫✫✫✫)

Burning Embers is a story full of love, loss, jealousy, heartbreak, and angst. It is beautifully written and the emotion leaps right off the page. The descriptions of Kenya and traditions carried on by the people native to this country are truly beautiful that you almost feel you’re there.

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